Migration Beyond Imagination - A Case Report


  • Thomas P Bonny Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala
  • Ramesh Kumar Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala




Usual foreign bodies, Unusual sites


Coins, bones, food bolus etc. are some of the common foreign bodies that can get impacted in the throat.1 At times there may be some usual foreign bodies that can get impacted in some unusual sites.1 The main aim and objective of this report is to highlight on foreign body impaction in the unusual site. We present the case report of a patient who accidentally dodged a foreign body at an unusual site.

Author Biographies

Thomas P Bonny, Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala

MBBS, Junior Resident
Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Ramesh Kumar , Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala

MS, DNB, Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology,



How to Cite

Bonny, T. P., & Kumar , R. (2024). Migration Beyond Imagination - A Case Report. Kerala Journal of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery, 3(1), 36–38. https://doi.org/10.52314/kjent.2024.v3i1.47



Case Report / Case Series