Hearing Devices and Ear Care in Children and Young Adults


  • Paul Samuel Cosmopolitan Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala




Use of personal listening devices had tremendously increased in the recent times. The technology for such devices had a quantum leap with the advent of wire-less and blue tooth technology. From cassette players to mobile phone compatible earbuds, the transition has been a drastic one. Health problems posed by these devices are also on the increase. COVID pandemic made us shut inside our room and dependent on these gadgets. The concern for the health hazards caused by these devices need to be addressed.

Author Biography

Paul Samuel, Cosmopolitan Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Chief Editor, Kerala Journal of ENT – Head & Neck Surgery;
Senior Consultant in ENT



How to Cite

Samuel, P. (2023). Hearing Devices and Ear Care in Children and Young Adults. Kerala Journal of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery, 1(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.52314/kjent.2022.v1i1.3