Do I Have Thyroid Cancer: Should Everyone Ask This Question?


  • Sajith Babu Thavarool Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences



Do I have a thyroid cancer?” If everyone asks this question and starts a screening, we would be detecting more and more thyroid cancers. That is the impact of screening which may not have any survival benefit rather more economic burden, health resource utilization and more complications, as was seen in the Korean population. Thyroid cancer diagnosis is increasing over the decades worldwide as well as in India due to various factors which includes overdiagnosis by imaging. Is there a real increase in thyroid cancers due to some environmental factors, is a question to ponder!

Author Biography

Sajith Babu Thavarool, Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences

Senior Consultant and Head of Department, Department of Head and Neck Surgery



How to Cite

Thavarool, S. B. (2024). Do I Have Thyroid Cancer: Should Everyone Ask This Question?. Kerala Journal of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery, 2(2), 1–2.